How to Make Pocky


A short yet brief guide in how to make Pack- err I mean Pocky done by and with our favourite top-notch chef, Hayate Ayasaki.


1. Make/kneel your standard styled dough mixture.


2. Roll the dough out into a thin layer, then cut it into little individual sticks.


3. Bake it in the oven for a certain amount of time and temperature.


4. Dip it into a bowl of melted chocolate or any flavouring based mixture of your choice, and leave it out or in the fridge to cool and harden.


5. Place your Pocky into a conventional plastic pocket + box and you’re done!


5 thoughts on “How to Make Pocky

  1. As far as making the batter, it seems as though you use a bag of brown and a bag of white, as well as a jug of beige. I guess you also use some stuff from a blue topped canister and a pink topped canister.

    Sounds easy and fun!


    1. I believe the brown bag is bread flour, the white bag as plain flour, the jug being oil or what you said beige. As for the blue/pink topped canisters, iono yeast?


    2. Thr brown bag is most likely brown sugar, since I can’t think of anything else that would be brown. The canisters have to be cinnamon and idk, sugar. The white bag is flour, that’s a given. The jug is most likely oil, or just a place for the cook to relieve themselves (because there’s no time to leave the kitchen when you’re cooking God forbid something burns).

      And he’s actually making Packy, not Pocky (if you want to get technical).


    3. I don’t recall tasting cinnamon in the Po… Packy I ate these past few years, so I can’t be sure on that but sugar? Yeah maybe…


  2. I’ve never had Pocky….or Packy. I really need to go out and buy some at fye because fye is the only place that sells anything at all related to Japanese culture (near me anyway).


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