Nyarth’s Top 16 Moments of 2016


I had planned to post this on New Years Eve but because of ~things~ I had to delay it until now, happy belated 2017! Please treat this post as if it was the final day of 2016.

Another year another retrospective post to sum up things highlighting said year like clockwork just to make it feel like it was yet another productive year and not just a reason to update my blog after a long period of inactivity or anything. But who’d have thought I’d have cranked out two blog posts after so long?

To be frank I’m sick of 2016, 2016 has been an awful year and I don’t even need to explain why as everyone seems to have an idea. That’s right, the Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2016 was fucking rigged by the alt-fujos. This year all of the usual best of, retrospective and look back on the year – most if not all have been regurgitating the same depressing and tragic news happening all over the world.

This post however isn’t going to be like that at all. Nuh-uh. This post is going to happy. 100% happy. You might say, 100% Anne Happy. Remembering bad events that happened this year from the endless string of celebrity deaths to the death of Harambe to the death of the 30 young men and women slaughtered in Mayoiga and to the death of Harambe will always be clear as day because negative thoughts always stick to the mind. In this post we are going to look back on the under-reported moments of fun as I count down my personal Top 16 Best Moments in 2016 within the anime and manga and weeaboo realm. Why 16? Because screw doing Top 10s; taking the lower incremental numerical value of the year of the orbital movement of the Earth around the Sun sounds a lot cooler than the number ten.

Continue reading “Nyarth’s Top 16 Moments of 2016”

Nyarth’s Top 14 Moments of 2014


It’s been months since I had the proper time to settle down and write up a blog post about anything. Well, I imply I’m settling down now and it isn’t as if I have a bunch of untouched assignments to complete hue hue hue.

From vanishing planes and ebola to favourite Love Lives and Nature Valley bars, 2014 has been a pleasant year for anime, I can’t say for all because this is the first year I’ve seen less anime than the years before, and most of the ones I followed were ones I found the most interesting to stick with till the end (coughGLASSLIPcough). I was planning to do a ‘12 Days of Anime’ type of posts but I wanted to had done it properly by starting on Christmas day, but then I realise that would overlap new years day which would defeat my intentions of rounding everything off I wanted so say before the new year. So I decided to fight the system and just make a good old fashioned ‘Top XX’ moments of the year.

Below lists the top anime moments that happened to me throughout this year as well as my top 14 list of best and worst anime and songs followed shortly after!

Continue reading “Nyarth’s Top 14 Moments of 2014”